Below is Nicola Sturgeon’s full statement to the Scottish Parliament on Wednesday, October 7th, regarding the implementation of additional COVID restrictions in Scotland.
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Author: pauld
First Minister national address on Coronavirus measures
First Minister media address to Scotland on 22 September 2020 on new measures to combat the spread of the coronavirus pandemic in Scotland.
This speech is from the website and was broadcast live on tv and online in Scotland. Continue reading
Nicola Sturgeon statement on additional COVID restrictions
Below is Nicola Sturgeon’s full statement to the Scottish Parliament on the implementation of additional COVID restrictions in Scotland. Continue reading
Finance Ministers’ “deep concern” over UK Internal Market Bill
Spending proposals would “reverse devolution”. (17 Sept 2020)
Finance Ministers from Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have met to discuss a range of fiscal matters and voiced their collective concerns about the financial implications the UK Internal Market Bill will have on devolved governments. Continue reading
UK Internal Market Bill – Scottish Government consent impossible.
The Scottish Government has said it is impossible to recommend the Scottish Parliament gives consent to the UK Government’s Internal Market bill. (8 Sept 2020)
The bill, which will be published by the UK Government tomorrow, engages the Sewel Convention, and therefore the UK’s constitutional rules require the consent of Holyrood. Continue reading
Scotland must, and will, have the right to choose its own future
Article by First Minister of Scotland Nicola Sturgeon on (6 Sept 2020)
Independence is the normal form of governance for most nations in the world. Most of them take it, and the ability it affords them to take decisions in their own national interest, for granted.
Being independent does not magically solve every problem a country faces, but it does allow the opportunity to deal with those problems in a way best suited to your needs. That is the essence of self-government – but Scotland does not yet have the ability to exercise those independent choices. Continue reading
Coronavirus update from the First Minister (21 April 2020)
First Minister NicolaSturgeon: “As of 9am this morning, there have been 8,672 positive cases confirmed, an increase of 222 since yesterday.
While I would still urge caution in interpreting these figures, I remain cautiously optimistic that, while the numbers being admitted to hospital are still fluctuating, they appear to be broadly stable. Secondly, the number being admitted to intensive care are reducing.” Continue reading