Author: pauld

Smoke and Heat Alarms in Homes (New Law FAQs)

The Scottish Government have introduced new regulations via The Scottish Parliament on smoke and carbon monoxide alarms in all homes.

Legislation due to come into effect will mean that the standards which currently apply to private rented property and new-builds will also eventually be extended to all homes in Scotland. Continue reading

First Minister Statement on EU and UK Govt talks

Statement on EU and UK Government talks by First Minister Nicola Sturgeon

Commenting on the EU and UK Government talks, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said:

It is beyond belief that in the midst of a global pandemic and deep recession the Prime Minister is telling Scotland to get ready for a disastrous No Deal Brexit. Continue reading

Nicola Sturgeon: Scotland will always uphold international law

In the early stages of the COVID-19 crisis, German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier said: “This pandemic is not a war. Nations are not against other nations, soldiers against other soldiers. It is a test of our humanity.”

These have been indeed the most testing of times for people in Europe and across the world. Continue reading