April the 6th 2020 marks the 700th Anniversary of The Declaration of Arbroath and the claim of right of an Independent and sovereign Scotland.

ANNIVERSARY FILM (Charlie Stuart / Lesley Riddoch)

Documentary celebrating the Declaration of Arbroath on the 700th anniversary 6th April 2020

*This video is not hosted on this website – it is a third party embed code and the actual source resides on vimeo.com

The Declaration of Arbroath from Charlie Stuart on Vimeo.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/cherlieboy

Lesley Riddoch: https://www.lesleyriddoch.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/LesleyRiddoch

Read Lesley’s article on the anniversary and video on her website: https://www.lesleyriddoch.com/2020/04/declaration-the-letter-of-liberty.html

“2020 marks the 700th anniversary of the Declaration of Arbroath, widely regarded as Scotland’s most iconic document; probably the first declaration in medieval Europe to promote the idea that people are above Kings, that a nation is its people and that any nation has the right to self determination.

Written in 1320, its evocative sentiments about freedom and independence have given it special distinction, not just in Scotland, but around the world.

But the coronavirus has effectively cancelled all live celebrations of the event in Arbroath and across Scotland, and sadly no UK broadcasters have scheduled any significant TV coverage, though Billy Kay has produced a three-part series for Radio Scotland….”

**This video is not hosted on this website – it is a third party embed code and the actual source resides on youtube.com


From Wikipedia;
The Declaration of Arbroath is a declaration of Scottish independence, made in 1320. It is in the form of a letter in Latin submitted to Pope John XXII, dated 6 April 1320, intended to confirm Scotland’s status as an independent, sovereign state.

Generally believed to have been written in the Arbroath Abbey by Bernard of Kilwinning, then Chancellor of Scotland and Abbot of Arbroath, and sealed by fifty-one magnates and nobles, the letter is the sole survivor of three created at the time. The others were a letter from the King of Scots, Robert I, and a letter from four Scottish bishops which all made similar points.

READ THE FULL ARTICLE ON WIKIPEDIA: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Declaration_of_Arbroath




Images Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Declaration_of_Arbroath



Wars of Scottish Independence:

The Scots Magazine – The Declaration of Arbroath’s Influence:

National records Scotland:

Robert The Bruce:

Visit Scotland – Robert The Bruce:




History of Scotland (Wikipedia):

Timeline of Scottish History: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_Scottish_history


You Tube Videos on The Declaration of Arbroath:


Scottish Government July 5th 2016: