Investing in the NHS, protecting low earners, backing Scotland’s economy

(Article via 14/12/17)

The 2018-19 Draft Budget will protect the NHS and public services, support low earners and unlock Scotland’s economic potential, according to Finance Secretary Derek Mackay.

Setting out plans to invest an additional £400 million in Scotland’s health service, protect public services, lift the public sector pay cap and provide a package of investment in growing the economy and supporting small businesses, Mr Mackay said the budget would “invest in our public services and support business to thrive”.

The Draft Budget proposes the introduction of a more progressive income tax policy that will protect low and middle income taxpayers, resulting in the majority of taxpayers paying less income tax than they do now with those on the highest incomes paying proportionately more.

Publishing the Draft Budget to parliament, Mr Mackay set out a programme that will:

Mr Mackay said:

“This is a budget for a stronger economy and a fairer society, with increased funding for the NHS and protection for low and middle income earners.

“We are investing in our public services and supporting business to develop and thrive. This budget mitigates against the UK Government’s cuts to our block grant.

“It delivers an additional £400 million to the health service, it invests in expanding childcare, delivering broadband, building 50,000 new homes and supporting our police and fire services.

“It provides the investment we need to meet the challenges and seize the opportunities of tomorrow.”

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