Scotland’s Place in Europe.

Date: 17/01/17
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Following the vote in the Scottish Parliament welcoming the Scottish Government’s proposals on Scotland’s place in Europe – and supporting the call for the UK to remain in the Single Market, or in the event that it leaves, for options to be explored that would keep Scotland within the single market Cabinet Secretary for Culture, Tourism and External Affairs Fiona Hyslop said:

“On the date the UK Prime Minister has set out her plans for a hard Brexit the Scottish Parliament has signalled its overwhelming support for remaining within the single market and for exploring distinct solutions for Scotland.

“The views of the Scottish Parliament and the people of Scotland cannot simply be ignored in this process.

“The Scottish Government has been working hard to protect Scotland’s Place in Europe and our approach has been to listen and to seek consensus – so and I am pleased that Parliament has today backed our efforts to secure Scotland’s interests as part of the Article 50 process.

“On Thursday, we will present our paper at the Joint Ministerial Committee on European Negotiations, and to the subsequent discussion with Ministers from the UK Government and other devolved administrations.

“Those proposals are aimed at securing Scotland’s continued place in the single market within a UK context – the Prime Minister today reiterated her pledge to give our plans proper consideration, and we will hold her to that commitment.

“We’ll continue to work to mitigate and overcome the damage Brexit will cause to jobs, trade, education and to our public services. In everything we do, we’ll continue to seek agreement in the best interests of the people of Scotland.”

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