By Alex Aitchison SNP
The Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (IPSA) have confirmed that data published last week on MP expenses was incorrect.

The incorrect figures, which under-reported the expenses of Scottish Labour and Lib Dem MPs in 2014/15, were used by Scottish Labour to launch an attack on SNP MPs.

Here are the facts.

SNP MPs are costing less than their predecessors – by over £1 million

IPSA issued a written acknowledgement and apology to the SNP, and new figures published on their website confirm that in 2015/16 SNP MPs in fact cost over £1 million (£1,140,801.64) less than their predecessors did in 2014/15. On average SNP MPs cost over £21,000 less than their Scottish Labour and Lib Dem predecessors.

SNP MPs are working harder than their Labour and LibDem predecessors too.

New figures from House of Commons Library research show that SNP MPs work harder than their Scottish Labour and LibDem predecessors, and are some of the most active MPs at Westminster:

In 2015-16, SNP MPs spoke in an average of 61 debates. This compares to an average of just 27 for their predecessors in 2014-15.
Since the 2015 General Election, SNP MPs have each tabled an average of 80 written parliamentary questions. In total, SNP MPs have tabled over 4,000 written parliamentary questions – holding UK government ministers to account.
Since the 2015 General Election, SNP MPs have tabled over 1,000 EDMs – helping bring attention to the important issues facing local communities, the people of Scotland and the UK.
Since the 2015 General Election, SNP MPs have contributed to the work of 77 Select Committees, Sub-Committees, Bill Committees and Commissions – including chairing 3 Select Committees.


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