
Joint Ministerial Committee on Brexit

Scot Govt: UK must be prepared to compromise

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon will call on the Prime Minister to set out how the UK Government intends to reach UK wide agreement on the aims of the article 50 negotiations, when she attends the Joint Ministerial Committee meeting in Cardiff (Monday).

The meeting will include discussions on Scotland’s Place in Europe, the Scottish Government’s proposals for maintaining access to the single market.

Also tomorrow, Cabinet Secretary for External Affairs Fiona Hyslop will continue our efforts to ensure Scotland’s position is heard in Europe, becoming the first government Minister from any part of the UK to speak at the European Parliament since the EU referendum last June.

Ms Hyslop will appear before the Constitutional Affairs Committee to set out the Scottish Government’s work to explore distinct solutions to protect Scotland’s interests, remain in the single market and maintain its relationship with Europe.

The First Minister said: “It is becoming clearer with every day that passes that the UK Government is determined to pursue a hard Brexit and I am determined to do all I can to protect Scotland’s from the devastating impact that would have.

“In Scotland’s Place in Europe we have set out a range of propositions to keep Scotland in the single market and these will be discussed at tomorrow’s meetings. I hope the discussion on this tomorrow will be meaningful, but the process has been deeply disappointing so far. The Prime Minister must start to demonstrate not only that the UK government is genuinely listening to the views of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, but also that they are prepared to act on them in order to reach the UK position that she said she was committed to.

“The Scottish Government has offered significant compromises in our proposals for Scotland’s place in the EU but we have yet to see any movement from the UK Government.

“Time is running out for the Prime Minister to demonstrate that she is going to uphold the commitment she made to me shortly after taking office that Scotland will be fully involved in discussions to develop an agreed UK approach and listen to alternative proposals for Scotland.”

European links under threat (Scot Gov)

Brexit impedes cultural and tourism opportunities. (25//01/17)

Membership of the EU Single Market and free movement of people is critical to the health of Scotland’s culture, tourism and creative sectors.

Culture, Tourism and External Affairs Secretary Fiona Hyslop said Scotland’s ability to establish creative partnerships, access EU funding and attract EU nationals to work in our tourism industry would be curtailed.

Retaining the ability of EU nationals to come to Scotland to work is also essential. 21% of the Scottish Chamber Orchestra’s musicians and staff, for example, are from the EU and more than 20,000 staff from other EU countries are employed in Scotland’s tourism industry.

The high proportion of staff from overseas, including the EU, is an important component in the international reputation of the Edinburgh festivals. The cultural skills and international networks that these staff bring are vital to sustaining the festivals world class programmes.

Ms Hyslop and Minister for UK Negotiations on Scotland’s Place in Europe Michael Russell met with industry leaders in Edinburgh to discuss the impact of leaving the EU. She said:

“Our ties with Europe are historic, and we need to protect them if we are to continue to reap the benefits – both from an economic perspective, but moreover to protect our commitment to human cultural and intellectual collaboration.

“We have published our proposals to secure Scotland’s interests and to protect our relationship with the EU. Despite her strong signals that the UK is moving towards a hard Brexit the Prime Minister has committed to give our proposals serious consideration and we are determined to hold her to account.

“Freedom of movement within the EU allows our culture, creative industries and tourism sectors to recruit the best talent from across the EU, strengthening each sector’s contribution to Scotland’s economy and enriching our culture. I have heard the concerns of our industries first hand today, and I am determined to ensure their future prosperity is protected.”

Scottish Tourism Alliance Chief Executive Marc Crothall said:

“With the picture of post-Brexit Britain and the implications for our tourism business becoming clearer, it is important that we have regular dialogue and a place round the table with the Scottish Government and our public agencies to discuss the main issues and concerns which our tourism businesses are facing.

“Our priority will be to try to mitigate the negative effects of Brexit for our industry and influence supportive change at policy level to allow our tourism businesses to face the future confidently.”

International Exports Rise by £1 billion

Membership of new Trade Board confirmed

Date: 25/01/17

Scotland’s international exports rose from £27.7 billion in 2014 to £28.7 billion in 2015.

The USA continues to be Scotland’s top trading partner outside of the EU. Within the EU, the Netherlands was again the largest market.

The latest statistics show that exports to countries within the European Union were estimated as £12.3 billion, an increase of £520 million on the previous year driven by an increase in the export of petroleum and chemical products.

Exports to the rest of the UK in 2015 were estimated at £49.8 billion, an increase of £2.1 billion, driven by a rise in the export of utilities such as electricity, gas and water.

Economy Secretary Keith Brown said:

“It is hugely encouraging to see that Scotland’s total international exports, excluding oil and gas, increased by £1 billion in a year.

“It is clear that since the vote to leave the European Union, we must continue to be seen to be a country that is outward facing and open for business. The EU market is 8 times the size of UK market, which highlights the importance of remaining in the Single Market.

“I want to be clear that Scotland should not face a choice between exporting to the EU or UK. We can do both.

“We are working on an ambitious programme of internationalisation, including measures to broaden Scotland’s export base and to grow exports beyond our traditional markets, which is why I am pleased to confirm membership of our new Trade Board, who will take forward this important work alongside our new hubs in Dublin, Brussels, London and Berlin and our planned network of trade envoys.”

The Trade and Investment Strategy included a commitment to create a Trade Board, chaired by Keith Brown, to boost the number of exporters, to help join up services and support and increase the number of exports to new markets.

The membership of the Board is deliberately business focused and brings together a range of people with significant expertise and relevant experience in exporting activity from a variety of perspectives who will perform an advisory function to the Scottish Government.

The statistics can be accessed here:

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UK Supreme Court Ruling

Consent of the Scottish Parliament must be sought on Brexit

Date: 24/01/17

A statement about the impact of the UK Supreme Court (UKSC) ruling will be made to Parliament tomorrow (Wednesday).

Minister for UK Negotiations on Scotland’s Place in Europe Michael Russell confirmed that he would make the statement in the wake of the Supreme Court’s ruling that the UK government must seek the consent of the Westminster Parliament ahead of triggering Article 50.

The judgment said leaving the EU would alter the powers of the Scottish Parliament.

The UKSC also said the Sewel Convention, by which the Westminster Parliament does not normally legislate in devolved areas without the consent of Holyrood, was a political mechanism and not a matter for the courts to enforce.

Speaking after meeting the Standing Council on Europe earlier this morning, Mr Russell said:

“The Supreme Court made it clear that the UK Government cannot take us out of the European Union without at least a vote of the Westminster Parliament.

“Triggering Article 50 will have profound effects on devolved matters and on the powers of the Scottish Parliament and the Scottish Government.

“The UK Government, in its submission to the court, went out of its way to emphasise that the Sewel Convention could not be enforced by the courts.

“But it has never sought to change the powers of the Parliament or the Scottish Government without the consent of the Scottish Parliament.

“It must not renege on that constitutional requirement.

“A hard Brexit would be disastrous for Scotland – and it is clear that an overwhelming majority across Scotland and in the Scottish Parliament are opposed to the UK Government’s plans.

“The Prime Minister has made numerous statements and commitments there would be a UK approach to Brexit. We published our proposals to protect Scotland’s interests in Europe at the end of last year and we have yet to have any detailed response, or any indication of whether or how the UK Government intends to take them forward as part of its forthcoming negotiations.

“Time is running out for the UK Government to show how it intends to respect Scotland’s interests. If it does not, the Scottish people will face a choice as to whether we continue down the damaging path of a hard Brexit, or choose a better way for Scotland.”

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JMC meeting on Brexit

Scotland must be treated as full partner in process.

Date: 19/01/17
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Speaking after the latest meeting of the Joint Ministerial Committee on Brexit, Minister for UK Negotiations on Scotland’s Place in Europe Michael Russell said:

“I made it absolutely clear at today’s meeting that Scotland must not be treated with contempt but as an equal partner in the negotiating process.

“The people of Scotland overwhelmingly rejected a hard Brexit and it is absolutely crucial that this is respected to avoid an economic catastrophe.

“We need to see clear evidence from the UK government that they will take forward the objective of keeping Scotland in the single market even if the rest of the UK leaves, and time is running out for them to do so.

“There was agreement in the meeting today to undertake further detailed work on that objective and I look forward to that process.

“It is extremely disappointing that the Prime Minister chose to disregard the process and make a significant announcement about her position two days before the JMC even considered our paper. It is now clear that single market membership for the whole of the UK is no longer an option and this is hugely disappointing.

“However, there are other options set out in our paper Scotland’s Place in Europe and our focus now is to ensure the UK Government takes seriously our objective of keeping Scotland in the European Single Market.

“They need to demonstrate that this is the case because the clock is ticking. The views and economic interests of the people of Scotland cannot be disregarded and brushed aside.”

Scottish Parliament welcomes Scottish Government paper

Scotland’s Place in Europe.

Date: 17/01/17
Article via:

Following the vote in the Scottish Parliament welcoming the Scottish Government’s proposals on Scotland’s place in Europe – and supporting the call for the UK to remain in the Single Market, or in the event that it leaves, for options to be explored that would keep Scotland within the single market Cabinet Secretary for Culture, Tourism and External Affairs Fiona Hyslop said:

“On the date the UK Prime Minister has set out her plans for a hard Brexit the Scottish Parliament has signalled its overwhelming support for remaining within the single market and for exploring distinct solutions for Scotland.

“The views of the Scottish Parliament and the people of Scotland cannot simply be ignored in this process.

“The Scottish Government has been working hard to protect Scotland’s Place in Europe and our approach has been to listen and to seek consensus – so and I am pleased that Parliament has today backed our efforts to secure Scotland’s interests as part of the Article 50 process.

“On Thursday, we will present our paper at the Joint Ministerial Committee on European Negotiations, and to the subsequent discussion with Ministers from the UK Government and other devolved administrations.

“Those proposals are aimed at securing Scotland’s continued place in the single market within a UK context – the Prime Minister today reiterated her pledge to give our plans proper consideration, and we will hold her to that commitment.

“We’ll continue to work to mitigate and overcome the damage Brexit will cause to jobs, trade, education and to our public services. In everything we do, we’ll continue to seek agreement in the best interests of the people of Scotland.”

Associated Document:

£29 million to build fairer Scotland

First Minister opens new funding for communities and third sector.

Community and third sector projects that try new ways to tackle poverty and improve people’s lives can now apply for a share of £29 million ‎funding, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has announced.

The Scottish Government will direct £18.9 million into a new Aspiring Communities Fund to help organisations find new, long lasting community led solutions to poverty, by increasing economic activity or enhancing services to meet local needs.

‎The £9.7 million Growing the Social Economy Programme will enable third sector organisations to try new ideas and approaches by collaborating with research organisations or supporting people to improve their skills.

The £29 million funding over the next two years supports the Fairer Scotland Action Plan, published last October. £12 million of the total funding comes from the European Social Fund.

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon was today at Plantation Productions, an arts charity in Govan, to take part in art, media and craft projects.

The First Minister said:

“We are doing everything possible to create a more equal Scotland, and our Fairer Scotland Action Plan features 50 concrete actions to tackle poverty and inequality. This funding of £29 million will support communities and the third sector in developing new ways to help people overcome disadvantage.

“Over the next two years, the investment in these two Funds will deliver positive and innovative approaches to improve people’s lives through boosting skills or delivering new services to meet community needs – and crucially, giving people the power to take charge and make changes in their own communities.

“Almost half of this funding comes from the European Social Fund which promotes inclusive growth and supports those who are disadvantaged – and the best way to continue that support beyond 2020 is by maintaining Scotland’s relationship with Europe.”

Moya Crowley, Project Manager at Plantation Productions said:

“As a Community Arts and Media Charity embedded in the heart of Govan, Glasgow, Plantation Productions very much welcomes this news. It is extremely encouraging to see the commitment of the Scottish Government in strengthening the third sector and local communities through this funding. “For organisations like Plantation Productions, the Aspiring Communities Fund and Growing Social Economy Programme promise a very optimistic view for the future. With strained resources, this funding offers an opportunity to maintain, develop and grow community led initiatives, respond to local aspirations and needs and support the most deprived communities in Scotland.”

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