
‘Staying within the Single Market is vital for Scotland’s future’

“Continued membership would maintain labour force” – Russell

Staying within the Single Market is vital for securing Scotland’s future workforce, Minister for UK Negotiations on Scotland’s Place in Europe Michael Russell said today.

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Mr Russell visited Stoddart’s beef processing company in Broxburn, West Lothian and heard from the Managing Director about concerns over the future ability to access EU Nationals to work for the company. They also discussed concerns around continued tariff free access to the EU market for beef products, especially the Scotch Beef PGI brand.

Mr Russell said:

“A hard Brexit and the end of freedom of movement will create the very real risk that the number of people working in Scotland will fall.

“That will mean fewer tax-payers to support vital public services and many sectors of the economy will struggle to attract the workers they need.

“It is essential we remain a member of the Single Market and Customs Union. Many companies benefit from our fellow EU nationals’ work as well as having access to the world’s most lucrative market.

“The Scottish Government continue to push for continued membership, not just as part of a transition deal but as the final destination, so securing the future of our workforce and protecting access to valuable markets.”

Managing Director of Stoddart’s Grant Moir said:

“Scotland has to compete with the rest of Europe in its bid to attract people into the workplace. Following the initial Brexit announcement this has become an increasingly challenging task for many Scottish Food and Drink businesses.

“At Stoddart’s we depend on a large number of EU Nationals to make up our workforce without whom we would be unable to run our business at its current level. One third of our processing staff are non-UK EU nationals highly skilled in meat processing.

“Any restriction of freedom movement as a result of the Brexit negotiations will in my opinion be hugely detrimental to both our business and the wider Scottish Economy.

“Recruitment and retention of our EU National workers will remain our single biggest business challenge for the immediate future”

Chief Executive of Quality Meat Scotland, Alan Clarke, said:

“Having access to a pool of skilled labour is essential to ensure that the Scottish red meat sector can have sustainable growth. Non UK nationals are of fundamental importance throughout the red meat supply chain, especially in the processing sector, for example, in respect of statutory food safety inspection and monitoring carried out in Scottish processors, Food Standards Scotland report that around 98% of their official veterinarians are from outside the UK.”

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£756 million investment in affordable housing.

A 28% funding increase will help deliver at least 50,000 affordable homes over this Parliament, as announced in the Draft Budget by Finance Secretary Derek Mackay

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In 2018/19, more than £756 million will be made available through the Affordable Housing Supply Programme – 28% higher than the previous year. The programme is expected to support up to 14,000 jobs in the construction and related sectors over the next four years.

The Draft Budget commitment follows statistics showing some 71,000 affordable homes have been delivered since 2007. This includes almost 49,000 homes for social rent, 5,000 homes for affordable rent, and more than 17,000 homes for affordable home ownership.

Communities Secretary Angela Constance said:

“Ensuring everyone has access to a safe, warm and affordable place to call home lies at the heart of our ambition for a fairer Scotland – this budget will deliver on that.

“Core to that is our commitment to deliver at least 50,000 affordable homes over this Parliament. While that is challenging, we have shown before that we can deliver.

“Overall, this funding delivers on our More Homes Scotland approach – increasing supply across all tenures, supporting aspiring home owners, and boosting the economy. We have reintroduced council house building, supported first-time buyers, invested in shared equity, and introduced innovations like the Rental Income Guarantee Scheme and bringing empty homes into ownership.

“This builds on our commitment to work with councils and housing associations to ensure they have the financial certainty to increase developments. We will continue working closely with them and others as we take action to deliver good quality, secure, affordable housing.

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Scot Gov: Superfast broadband rollout to benefit rural areas

Prioritising rural Scotland

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The first phase of the £600 million ‘Reaching 100%’ broadband programme will focus on delivering superfast broadband access to Scotland’s rural and island communities, to provide a truly national fibre network.

The procurement will be made up of three regional Lots (North, Central and South), with each containing a mix of the commercially attractive rural areas and harder-to-reach communities.

This model has been designed to ensure the best possible chance of maximising competition whilst driving value and innovation.

Connectivity Secretary Fergus Ewing said:

“We have taken the decision not to focus on urban city centre premises in this first phase, but to target investment where it is needed most – in rural and remote Scotland. We are working with the private sector to encourage their own investment in unconnected urban areas, rather than rely on public funds.

“Reaching 100% will not be easy to achieve, however achieve it we must. Fast and reliable digital connectivity is a fundamental expectation of all communities, regardless of location.

“To deliver our ambition, this government is investing £600 million through the Reaching 100% programme – more than any government in the UK has ever invested in broadband.

“I am confident that this procurement approach, funded by our record investment, will put delivery of our unique 100% commitment within touching distance. We are aiming to provide a robust fibre backbone to underpin delivery of superfast broadband for all by the end of 2021.”

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100% of parents satisfied with Baby Box and contents.

Research into parents’ views on the Scotland’s Baby Box shows 100% are either satisfied or very satisfied with the overall quality of the contents.

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Ninety-nine per cent of parents are also either satisfied or very satisfied with the range of items, the design of the box and delivery arrangements.

Other key findings show:

  • Contents were all very highly rated – most popular items were the bathroom/room thermometer (32% said it was most useful item), ear thermometer (22%) and sling (15%)
  • When asked spontaneously what was missing most parents (69%) could not think of any suggestions. The most common request (made by 10%) was for new-born nappies to be included
  • The most popular idea for inclusion when prompted was a second sheet for the mattress (67% said this would be very or quite useful)
  • The majority of parents (62%) had used or planned to use the box as a bed. The main reason given for not using the box as a sleeping space was that parents had already purchased an alternative or received one as a gift (86%)
  • Most parents had read all of the information included. The two most popular inclusions were a poem for your wee one (97% said they had read or planned to read) and information on safe sleeping (93%).

During a visit to Moo Music in Balloch near Inverness, Minister for Childcare and Early Years Maree Todd said:

“It’s great to hear how positive parents are about the Baby Box and also find out first-hand what else we can do to make next year’s roll-out even more successful in supporting parents during those crucial early months.

“The Baby Box is part of a range of measures to ensure that every baby born in Scotland is given the best possible start in life. It will help tackle deprivation, improve health and support families, and we’re proud it has already become an important and exciting part of the journey to parenthood in Scotland. That is why our recent draft budget outlined significant investment in the early years to continue to deliver this box of essential items and our wider package of support for parents.

“It is particularly welcome that the most popular items in the box are the ones which are most useful for baby wellbeing but are often the most costly to purchase. I am glad that new parents are already seeing the health benefits the contents of the box provide with many commenting they were pleased with the range of high quality items they wouldn’t have thought to buy.

“I am also pleased to see that the majority of parents are using the box as a safe sleeping space and that the main reason for not doing so is because they already had an alternative. We want all parents to make the choice that is right for them when choosing where their baby sleeps but I hope that as more parents know to expect the box they will no longer need to buy an alternative in advance.”

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Scot Gov: A budget for business

Spending on the economy to increase by 64%

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Public spending on economic growth is set to rise to more than double the level by the UK Government, according to Finance Secretary Derek Mackay.

Reflecting the Scottish Government’s determination to seize opportunity and grow Scotland’s economy, the growth package will see spending on the economy increase by 64% – an increase of £270 million – in 2018-19.

Even before the Draft Budget was presented, the Scottish Government was investing more in economic development than the rest of the UK. Spending on economic development last year was equivalent to £193 per head in Scotland, compared to £88 per head in the UK as a whole.

Finance Secretary Derek Mackay said:

“We are absolutely committed to supporting business and growing Scotland’s economy – particularly in the wake of Brexit uncertainty and UK Government austerity – and our investment per head on economic development dwarfs that of the UK Government.

“We have more than doubled our spending on economic growth, with spending per head now more than £100 higher in comparison to the UK Government, and will deliver a growth package to stimulate our economy and provide stability in the wake of Brexit uncertainty and UK Government austerity.

“We are delivering a record £2.4 billion investment in enterprise and skills, a £4 billion commitment to infrastructure and £600 million to broadband, ensuring every home or business premise in Scotland has access to superfast broadband.”

“This is a good budget for business, for investment and for taxpayers and will ready Scotland for the future – but it is absolutely vital that the UK Government commits to remaining in the EU single market and the customs union to protect jobs and investment in Scotland.”


Information on spending on Enterprise and economic development in 2016-17 in Scotland and the UK is available in Government Expenditure and Revenue Scotland 2016-17, Tables 3.6 and 3.7 of the Draft Budget document. Accompanying population statistics are provided in table A1.

The growth package includes:

  • £96 million of extra support to deliver the most attractive business rates package in UK with the increase to the rates poundage capped at CPI inflation
  • A 64% increase of £270 million in the Economy, Jobs and Fair Work budget as part of a total investment of £2.4 billion in enterprise and skills
  • A 70% increase in investment in business Research & Development
  • £18 million as part of a £65 million package of investment for the National Manufacturing Institute to make Scotland a global leader in advanced manufacturing
  • Establishing a new £150 million Building Scotland Fund to unlock new house building, develop new low carbon commercial property and support research and development
  • Setting aside resources of £340 million to provide initial capitalisation for the Scottish National Investment Bank
  • Driving regional economic growth by more than doubling our investment in city region deals
  • 70% of taxpayers paying less in income tax next year, assuming their income doesn’t change, protecting consumer spending, while still raising additional revenues.
  • The Draft Budget also proposes an ambitious programme of infrastructure investment for 2018-19 of more than £4 billion, in line with the Programme for Government commitment to invest £20 billion over the life of this parliament.
  • Contributing £756 million towards investment of more than £3 billion by 2021 to deliver 50,000 affordable homes generating up to 14,000 FTE jobs


  • Beginning the procurement of Scotland’s £600 million universal superfast broadband programme to be delivered over the next four years
  • Investing £60 million in Low Carbon Innovation Fund to deliver innovative low carbon energy infrastructure solutions including for electric vehicles
  • Investing £1.2 billion in our transport infrastructure, including key road projects and further electrification of the rail network

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Scottish Budget: Record investment in health

inance Secretary highlights budget support for frontline NHS services

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Investment and reform of the health service will be prioritised, Finance Secretary Derek Mackay confirmed in his Draft Scottish Budget.

Mr Mackay visited the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital in Glasgow to meet NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde staff and students in the teaching and learning centre, where he took part in a teaching session on cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR).

The health portfolio resource budget will increase by more than £400 million, taking it to a record high of over £13.1 billion.

Mr Mackay said:

“We want to continue to provide the best possible care to help people lead healthier lives, which is why we are prioritising investment in frontline services, with frontline health boards to receive additional funding of 3.7%.

“This will ensure continued investment in facilities and services, funding a new GP contract and increased investment in mental health, while also supporting key reforms such as major trauma centres.

“Of course, none of this happens without a dedicated workforce. Lifting the pay cap will benefit thousands of nurses and healthcare staff, guaranteeing a minimum increase of 3% for staff who earn up to £30,000 – rewarding and investing in hard-working public sector staff.

“The resource budget is now £360 million higher than if we had only delivered real terms increases since the last Scottish Parliament election. Our approach of investment and reform will deliver better care and health for the people of Scotland, helping meet the challenges of an ageing population and rising demand for health services.”

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Scottish Budget: £600 million for broadband

UK’s first universal superfast broadband programme launched

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Every home and business will have access to superfast broadband by 2021, as a result of a £600 million investment confirmed today by the Scottish Government.

The announcement, made as part of the Scottish Government’s 2018-19 draft budget, marks the start of procurement for the Reaching 100% (R100) programme which will deliver fast and reliable internet, with a particular focus on rural and island communities.

The Finance Secretary has confirmed that the capital investment package is being made over the next four financial years to March 2022.

The Scottish Government’s Digital Scotland Superfast Broadband programme is on track to reach 95% fibre broadband coverage by the end of this year – with further progress being delivered throughout 2018.

Rural Economy and Connectivity Secretary Fergus Ewing said:

“This is the biggest public investment ever made in a UK broadband project. It is a truly transformative moment for our broadband infrastructure and a statement of our intent to make Scotland a world-class digital nation.

“Fast and reliable internet connection is vital for the economic and social wellbeing of all communities. This ambitious investment – which is more than three times what the UK Government is putting towards their own fibre broadband rollout – will revitalise the prospects of rural areas right across Scotland.

“Building on the success of the Digital Scotland programme, we will deliver a future-proofed, national fibre network that will place rural Scotland among the best connected places anywhere in Europe.

“I am confident that the scale of our investment, and of our ambition, will attract interest from a wide range of telecoms suppliers across the UK and Europe. ”

Finance Secretary Derek Mackay added:

“I was pleased to use this year’s budget to set out our plans for the future of superfast broadband in Scotland. We will put in the money over the next four years to deliver a £600 million programme of investment, ensuring every home or business premise in Scotland has access to superfast broadband.”

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